From the visualization controls in the upper right of the Visual Analytics canvas,
click New Visualization
Select Scatter 3D.
Enter a Title and Description.
The title appears on the visualization when it is added to the canvas.
- Optional:
Select a parameter to set the color of data points in the plot.
- Optional:
Select a parameter to set the size of data points in the plot.
Select parameters to be measure on the X- and Y-axes.
Select Show constrained areas to show constrained areas for
parameters on the X- and Y-axes.
Do one of the following:
- Click Create and Close to create the new visualization and
to return to the canvas.
- Click Create to create the new visualization and to keep
the new visualization window open.
the visualization is created, you can click or drag to highlight one or more data points
to display more information in the Properties panel.
Data points selected in one scatter plot are also selected in any other scatter plots,
histograms, cumulative frequency charts, and Pareto plots present on the canvas.