About the Data Matching Adapter

You use the Data Matching adapter to calibrate simulation processes by analyzing any variety of different measures between a target and simulation data generated in Automation Process Composer.

For example, if your simulation process contains an OptimizationLoop adapter with a Text Parser as a child adapter, you can match the data produced by the Text Parser adapter to some target data through the Data Matching adapter. The results, which are stored as parameters, can be used as objectives or constraints in the Optimization adapter. You can define multiple targets and select the target to use when you create a data set.

The data being matched can be from a parsed text document, or you can use arrays (one-dimensional array or a slice of a multi-dimensional array) produced from adapters earlier in the simulation process.

The Data Matching adapter supports numerous functions, such as sum of the absolute difference and sum of the squared difference.

  • Data Sets. The target data set is always shown because it is the data set against which the data are being matched. Typically, the target data are experimental results, previous real-world observations, or simulation results generated by a higher fidelity code. The remaining data sets are the simulations that are compared to the target.

  • Data Sources. Each data set is constructed from two data sources: one for the X-values and one for the Y-values. These data sources can be a defined interval, the contents of a parsed text document, or an array produced by another adapter.

  • Table. Each data set can be viewed in a table format. In this view, you can change the data by changing the Lower Bounds, Upper Bounds, and Interval values.

  • Results. You can select the functions to be calculated at run time. These functions produce the results of the data matching.