Correlation Factor |
Correlation factor between the target and simulation
data. |
Difference of Maximum Position |
Difference between the simulation and targets
maximum positions, X-values. |
Difference of Minimum Position |
Difference between the simulation and targets
minimum positions, X-values. |
Maximum Difference |
Maximum difference between the simulation and
target data. |
Maximum Difference Position |
Position, X-value, of the maximum difference
between the simulation and target data. |
Minimum Difference |
Minimum difference between the simulation and
target data. |
Minimum Difference Position |
Position, X-value, of the minimum difference
between the simulation and target data. |
Relative Error |
The relative error for hyperelastic curve fitting. |
Russell Comprehensive Error Factor |
Russell Comprehensive Error Factor. |
Russell Magnitude Error Factor |
Russell Magnitude Error Factor |
Russell Phase Error Factor |
Russell Phase Error Factor |
Standard Deviation of the Difference |
Standard deviation of difference between the
simulation and target data. |
Sum of the Absolute Difference |
Sum of the absolute difference between the simulation
and target graphs. |
Sum of the Area Difference Over the Target |
Area between the graph of the simulation and
target where simulation is over the target. |
Sum of the Area Difference Under the Target |
Area between the graph of the simulation and
target where simulation is under target. |
Sum of the Difference Mean |
Mean value of the difference between the simulation
and target data. |
Sum of the Difference Over the Target |
Sum of the differences in value where the simulation
is over the target. |
Sum of the Difference Under the Target |
Sum of the differences in value where the simulation
is under the target. |
Sum of the Squared Difference |
Sum of the squared difference. |
Y Value Difference of Maximum Position |
Difference between the Y-values of the simulation
and targets maximum positions, X-values. |
Y Value Difference of Minimum Position |
Difference between the Y-values of the simulation
and targets minimum positions, X-values. |