Configuring a Download Rule

You can download content to the working directory.

See Also
About Categories
About Documents
  1. From the Utilities section of the action bar, click Download and drop it on the process diagram.
  2. Double-click Download .
    The Download Editor appears.
  3. Click the Custom tab.
  4. Click .
  5. Enter a Name for the rule.
  6. From the Selection list, select one of the following:
    • Specific Content: Download a specific document.
    • Content by filters: Use a filter to download content. For example, you can enter WordDoc*. During execution, Automation Process Composer downloads all the content with WordDoc in the title.
    • Object Parameter: Download a specified object parameter. You can choose an existing object parameter or create a new object parameter.
  7. Select a Category from which the content will be downloaded.
  8. From the Content list, enter content that already exists or search for content.
  9. If you selected Content by filters, specify the filters that will be applied to the documents or objects to download. For example, you can choose to download only non-versioned documents.
  10. If you are downloading content, enter the File name of a specific file to download from the specified document. If you leave this field empty, Automation Process Composer downloads all the files in the specified document. You can use a wildcard to download multiple files from a document; you can also enter a parameter expression and a comma-separated list. For example, ${myDocument}, *.doc.
  11. By default, Automation Process Composer downloads the content. Alternatively, you can select either of the following:
    • Checkout: Checkout the documents or objects and allow them to be modified.
    • Read-only download: Download the documents or objects but do not allow them to be modified.
  12. You can select either of the following to specify that Automation Process Composer should operate on the selected documents or objects:
    • Custom processor: Run a selected program instead of the default action of downloading the files. You can use a custom processor on a document. For example, if you select 3DXML as the custom processor, Automation Process Composer will create a 3DXML version of the document. You must use a custom processor if you are operating on an object other than a document.
    • Post processor: Run a selected program on the files after they have been downloaded. You can run the postprocessor on selected files or on all the files in the working directory. For example, you can select a .zip program as the preprocessor and use it to archive all the downloaded files in the working directory.
  13. Expand the Advanced Options, and select the following:
    • Use category as folder path: Create a folder using the category's name and to download the content into this folder.
    • Include empty folders: Download all the folders, including empty folders, into the working directory.
  14. In the list of rules on the left side of the editor, select Enable to activate this rule at run time.

    If you do not select Enable, the rule is ignored at run time.

  15. Click Ok to save your changes and to close the Download Editor.