Click the Start button, and click Run.
The Run dialog box appears.
dcomcnfg in the Open text
box, and click OK.
The Component Services dialog box appears.
Click Component Services on the left side of
the dialog box.
Folder options appear on the right side of the dialog box.
Double-click the Computers folder, and double-click
the My Computer icon.
Additional folders appear.
Double-click the DCOM Config folder.
The contents of the folder appear.
Right-click the Microsoft Excel Application icon,
and select Properties.
The Microsoft Excel Application Properties dialog
box appears.
Click the Security tab.
The contents of the tab appear.
In the Launch and Activation Permissions area,
click Customize, and click Edit.
The Launch Permission dialog box appears.
Click Add.
The Select Users, Computers, or Groups dialog
box appears.
In the Enter object names to select text box,
type the user name (be sure to include the computer/domain name).
You can click Check Names to verify
that the user name you entered is valid. Click Advanced to
search for the name. If the user name you specify matches more than one
known user, the Multiple Names Found dialog box
appears, allowing you to pick the exact user.
Click OK.
The Launch Permission dialog box with the user
name you entered appears in the list at the top of the dialog box.
In the Permission for <user_name> area,
select the following in the Allow column:
Local Launch
Local Activation
Click OK.
The Microsoft Excel Application Properties dialog
box appears.
Click OK.
The Component Services dialog box appears.
Close the dialog box.