From the Utilities section of the action bar, click Upload
drop it on the process diagram.
Double-click Upload
The Upload Editor appears.
Click the Custom tab.
Enter a Name for the rule.
Define the Upload Options:
Enter a File to upload from the specified document. If you
leave this field empty, Automation Process
Composer uploads all the files in the specified document. You can use a wildcard to upload
multiple files from a document. You can also enter a parameter expression and a
comma-separated list. For example, ${myDocument}, *.doc
Enter any Comments.
Select or configure a Custom processor. Click
to clear your selection.
Select a custom processor if you are uploading an object other than a document. A custom
processor allows you to use a selected program instead of the default
upload of files. You can also use a custom processor to run the selected
program on the working directory. For example, you can use a
.zip program to archive all the uploaded files in
the working directory.
Define the Destination Options:
Select a Category where the content will be stored:
- Results
- Specifications
- Internal Data
- From Source Path: The category is assigned based on the category and, if
applicable, folder in the source path of the content. For example, an uploaded
file with the path Specifications/Folder_1/loads.txt would be
uploaded into the Folder_1 folder in the Specifications
In the Specification list, select Content Title =
File Name to use the file name or select User
Specified to enter the content title in the
Content field.
Select an Attribute Group to link to the uploaded
If the rule creates a new document, you can select the document type:
Simulation Document: Non-versioned: Non-versioned
files have no versioning information. Automation Process
Composer overwrites the original file when you check it back in.
Simulation Document: Versioned: When you first check
in or download a versioned file, Automation Process
Composer sets its version number to 1. When you check in an updated version of the
file, Automation Process
Composer increments its version to 2.
Engineering Document: If an engineering document does
not exist, a new engineering document is created and the uploaded file is
checked in to the document. For an existing engineering document, you can
upload only files with the same extension as files already in the document.
If a file identical to an existing file is uploaded, the existing file is
overwritten. Automation Process
Composer does not support engineering document duplication, which may affect
parallel execution.
Determine if the content is Referenced or Owned.
Automation Process
Composer updates owned content but does not update referenced content (that is, the
referenced document is not updated.)
Specify the Impact (Input, Input/Output, Output, None).
- Optional:
Select Keep history of this file to save each instance of the file as part of the job results.
You can view the instances in the Results Analytics
In the list of rules on the left side of the editor, select Enable to activate this rule at run time.
If you do not select Enable, the rule is ignored at run time.
Click the Options tab.
- Optional:
Clear the Process unchanged files option.
When a download step is followed by an upload step in the same activity, Automation Process
Composer tracks the files that are downloaded and changed. If you select this option, Automation Process
Composer uploads both changed and unchanged files. If you do not select this option, only changed files are uploaded.
- Optional:
Click Interactive to select the files you want to upload during execution.
Click Ok to save your changes and to close the Upload Editor.