Mapping of SOLIDWORKS Simulation Features

The table below summarizes the SOLIDWORKS Simulation studies and features that map to 3DEXPERIENCE simulation analysis cases and features.

Feature SOLIDWORKS Simulation 3DEXPERIENCE Simulation
Simulation study Linear static study Structural analysis case with a Static Perturbation step (Linear stress analysis)

With the Structural Designer (SRD) role, you can select only one linear static simulation study (small displacements) to transfer to a structural analysis case.

Linear static study with large displacement Structural analysis case with a Static step (Stress analysis accounts for nonlinear material behavior, large displacements, and contact interactions.)
Nonlinear static study Structural analysis case with a static step (Stress analysis accounts for nonlinear material behavior, large displacements, and contact interactions.)
Restraints Fixed geometry Clamp
Roller/slider (applied on face) Slider
Fixed hinge (applied on face) Hinge
Symmetry (applied on face) Planar symmetry
Prescribed Displacement: on Flat Faces and Use Reference Geometry Nonzero translation maps to an applied translation load.
Loads Uniform force (per item or total) Force
Uniform force - normal to selected face (applied on face) Pressure
Pressure - normal to selected face Pressure
Pressure - Use reference geometry (applied on face or edge) Force
Interactions Global, component, and local interactions For transfer of linear static simulation studies, any interaction feature maps to a General contact feature with a small sliding frictionless property.

For transfer of nonlinear static simulation studies, any interaction feature maps to a General contact feature with a default global friction coefficient of 0.1.

Tip: In any of the 3DEXPERIENCE simulation scenario apps, you can apply surface-based contact to define the interaction behavior between two discrete surface regions in the model.

To apply surface-based contact in a scenario app, select Surface-based Contact from the Interactions section of the action bar.

Mesh Global Mesh Parameters of solid mesh Recreates a solid mesh.

Use the Mesh Creation app to modify the default mesh that is created when you transfer your model to a 3DEXPERIENCE simulation.

  • Time-dependent loads (forces and pressures) defined with Curve data are transferred. Time-dependent prescribed displacements (translations) defined with Curve data are also transferred. Prescribed displacements with the Off option in their time curves are not transferred.

    To capture the time variation of loads accurately, you might need to adjust the time incrementation used in the 3DEXPERIENCE scenario app. From the Procedures section of the action bar, select Edit Current Step. In the Static Step dialog box, set the Maximum time increment equal to (or less than) the minimum time interval of the defined time curve. You can also change the Time incrementation selection from Automatic to Fixed.

  • If you applied a prescribed displacement on an edge in your simulation study, you might see an error on the support in a 3DEXPERIENCE scenario app (because the mesh created during conversion is not constrained to create nodes along all geometric edges). You can use the Constrain Mesh to Edge tool to force the creation of nodes along selected edges, ensuring that the feature support is a valid selection. This tool is located in the Constraint section of the action bar for the Tetrahedron Mesher within the Mesh Creation app.
  • Only the simulation studies linked to the active SOLIDWORKS configuration are transferred.
  • Parts you exclude from a simulation using the Exclude from Analysis tool in SOLIDWORKS are not excluded in the 3DEXPERIENCE simulation. In the 3DEXPERIENCE environment, you have full control over which parts a simulation should include or exclude.