Accessing the Help Panel

You can view help for test data management objects. The in-app help provides an interactive summary of the available actions. The overview contains details about linking test objects, maturity level definitions, and a reference workflow.

  1. From the Review pane, select any test data management object (such as a test specification, test case, or test execution).
  2. Click Help.
    The Help panel opens with the Available Actions displayed in rows. Green highlighting indicates permitted actions, while orange highlighting indicates forbidden actions.
  3. Click a row for more information.
    The row expands to reveal the importance of an action, including why the action is allowed or forbidden. If an action is forbidden, the app provides a workaround for the blocking condition.
  4. Click Overview to view the linked test data management objects, maturity levels, and workflow.
    The Help panel switches to the Overview panel with the test data management object selected and the Details tab active. The Details tab defines test specifications and explains which test objects can be linked to the selected test data management object. For example, if you select Test Case in the Overview, the Help indicates that test cases can link with test requirements and test scripts.
  5. Click the Maturity tab to view a description of the applicable maturity levels.
  6. Click the Workflow tab to view a sequence of steps to perform on the test specification.
  7. Click Close.