The figure below shows the Validation and Verification Strategy main work area:
list of toolbar icons changes depending on the selected test management
Review PaneThe Review pane displays a hierarchy of the test specifications, test
cases, test executions, and test results in your test specification. The app displays a multilevel view of linked test artifacts. For example, you can expand nodes to expose test cases within test specifications, and you can expand linked test specifications within parent test specifications. Requirements PaneThe Requirements pane displays a list of requirements and the linked
test cases in your test specification. You can display the requirements pane in
matrix or table form. Details PaneThe Details pane displays the maturity lifecycle and
information on the selected test data management object. For example, you can review
which requirements specification is linked to the test specification. Dependencies PaneThe Dependencies pane displays the prerequisite and dependency
information for test cases and test specifications.
You can also use the Relations Explorer to view a graphical representation of
the prerequisites and dependencies of a test management object. The Relations
Explorer also displays other links graphically, such as "Contained by" or
"Executed by." For more information, see Accessing the Relations Explorer.
Properties PaneThe Properties pane displays properties related to the selected test
data management object. The list of properties is more extensive than that displayed
in the Details pane. For example, the
Properties pane also includes the modification date and
organization. Maturity LifecycleThe maturity lifecycle displays the current maturity state and allows you to promote or demote
the state accordingly. ToolbarThe toolbar contains tools to create, link, copy, revise, delete, open, explore relations, or
show details for a test management object. In addition, you can open in-app help
from the toolbar. The in-app help opens to the topic pertaining to the selected test
management object. |