From the Configure Simulation section of the Assistant, click Configure Simulation
The 3DEXPERIENCE platform saves your simulation. CST Studio Suite opens, automatically downloads your assembly, initializes the master
simulation project, and notifies you when this process is complete.
In CST Studio Suite, change the antenna project's solver type for the front coverage test.
From the Navigation Tree, expand
Tasks and select Front Test /
HS1 to open the hybrid solver (HS) task.
In the Task Parameter List (HS1), expand .
From the Solver options, select the
Frequency Domain solver.
Click Save.
Similarly, change the antenna project's solver type for the middle coverage
In CST Studio Suite, change the minimum cell size for the front coverage test.
From the Navigation Tree, under Front
Test / HS1, double-click
EXAMPLE-Aircraft_11 to open the project.
From the Home tab in thetop bar, click Global Properties.
In the Minimum cell section, enter
0.03 as the Absolute
This minimum value avoids the resolution of fine details and reduces
the simulation run time.
Click OK.
Similarly, change the minimum cell size for the middle coverage test.
Click Save all.
Save the master simulation project to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
Select .
In the Save to 3DEXPERIENCE dialog box that
appears, clear the Simulation Data option.
Click OK.
The Configure Simulation section of the Assistant receives a green check mark  , indicating that the master simulation project was
Close CST Studio Suite.