Define the Placement Candidates

Define placement candidates to designate potential locations for the installed antenna.

There are a few methods for defining a placement candidate, and each method has its own benefits. For example, the two-axis-systems method is most convenient when both the platform and antenna have predefined axis systems. You select an axis system from the antenna and an axis system from the platform. The app then superimposes the two axis systems, and it positions a placement candidate at their shared origin.

In this example, you define placement candidates on the exterior surface of the fuselage, at the front, middle, and rear of the passenger cabin. Since the antenna has a predefined axis system, and the platform has three predefined axis systems, defining placement candidates using these axis systems is the simplest method for completing this task. Using this method also increases the likelihood that you can reproduce the results of this example.

  1. Define a placement candidate at the front of the passenger cabin.
    1. From the Placement Candidate section of the Assistant, click Placement Candidate .
    2. Name the first placement candidate Front Candidate.
    3. From the Placement method options, click Two Axis Systems to define a placement candidate using an axis system from the platform and an axis system from the antenna.
    4. From the Antenna options, verify that the app selected your antenna.

      When there is only one antenna in the simulation, the app selects the antenna automatically.

    5. From the Antenna axis options, select the antenna axis system corresponding to its anchor point.

      Tip: You can also select the antenna's axis system from the tree, or you can select it in the 3D area.

    6. In the 3D area, select the aircraft's frontmost axis system.
      A yellow antenna glyph appears at the front of the passenger cabin to denote the placement candidate.
    7. Verify the position and orientation of the antenna geometry.
    8. Click OK.
      The dialog closes and the placement candidate glyph becomes green.

  2. Similarly, define two additional placement candidates named Middle Candidate and Rear Candidate using axis systems at the middle and rear of the passenger cabin.
    Two additional green antenna glyphs appear on the passenger cabin.