Apply Restraints

Apply restraints to define the directions your model can and cannot move during the simulation.

This task shows you how to:

Restrain the Buckle

Use a clamp to restrain the buckle in all six degrees of freedom, so that it remains stationary when the clip is inserted.

Applying restraints appropriately helps to simplify the simulation and may result in a reduced solve time.

  1. From the Restraints section of the Assistant, click Clamp .
  2. Select the bottom face of the buckle as the support.

    Tip: You can use the mouse to manipulate the model and access faces that are hidden. To pan the model, press the middle mouse button while dragging the pointer. To rotate the model, press the middle and left mouse buttons while dragging the pointer.

  3. Click OK.
    The clamp appears as a restraint in the Scenario category of the tree.

Restrain the Coupling

Restrain the coupling to move linearly along the z-axis.

  1. From the Restraints section of the Assistant, click Fixed Displacement .
  2. From the Support options, select Connection as the selection method.
  3. From the Connection Selection dialog box, select Clip Coupling, and click OK.
    The app highlights the connection in your model.
  4. Constrain all degrees of freedom except for translation in the z-direction.
  5. Click OK.
    The fixed displacement appears as a restraint in the Scenario category of the tree.