Select the Design new component task, and scroll to the
Attachments section of the details panel.
Attach Hand rail Sprocket and Elevator_Drive
to the Design new component task by dragging them from 3DSpace.
- Hand rail Sprocket is the sprocket part that Darcy Design
Engineer will update.
- Elevator_Drive is the larger assembly that contains the
You can search in 3DSpace by maximizing the widget and conducting a search from the top bar.
Similarly, attach Elevator_Drive_Scenario and
Sprocket_Validation_Template-1 to the Validate new
design task.
- Elevator_Drive_Scenario is a simulation of the assembly.
- Sprocket_Validation_Template-1 is a simulation template that
will run a simulation process to validate the updated design.
Attach Hand rail Sprocket,
Elevator_Drive_Scenario, and
Sprocket_Validation to the Analyze new
design task.
- Sprocket_Validation is a simulation that Darcy Design Engineer
will run to validate the updated design.
Your team members will now be able to access the objects they will need from
their tasks in Project Planning.
Now that you have created and assigned tasks, Darcy Design
Engineer can begin the design change.