Apply a Translation

Use an applied translation to specify the displacement of the printed circuit board (PCB) due to manufacturing defects that cause misalignment of the PCB during assembly.

You use applied translations to define motion in a single direction by a specified distance.

In this example, you create applied translations (confined to the y-axis) at the two unclamped supports during the static loading step. These translations define the displacement of the PCB during loading.

  1. Confirm the static loading step is selected.
  2. From the Loads section of the action bar, click Applied Translation .
  3. Name the applied translation Translation_1.
  4. From the Support options, select Connection as the selection method.
  5. From the selection tree, select Free.17 > Coupling-Support-chipB, and click OK.
  6. Enter a translation of 0.5 mm.
    This translation distance represents a variance in the manufacturing tolerance of the mounting holes (0.2% of the length of the PCB).
  7. From the Degree of freedom options, select Translation Y.
  8. From the Orthogonal Translations options, choose Fixed.
  9. Click OK.
  10. Similarly, create an applied translation Translation_2, with Free.18 > Coupling-Support-chipA as the support.