Export Data to a Material Definition

Export the material parameters to a material definition in the database.

Note: You can also export material parameters as input file snippets for use in Abaqus® analyses.

  1. From the Calibration Tools section of the action bar, click Create Material .
  2. Enter the following values in the Create Material dialog box that appears:
    Title A356 Aluminum
    Description Elastic-plastic material created using Johnson-Cook calibration of stress-strain test data of an aluminum sample
  3. Click OK.
    The app creates the material and opens it in the Material Definition app. If you want to review the elastic and plastic options in the material definition or add additional behaviors, double-click the material simulation domain in the tree.

    Tip: Press F3 to display the tree if it is not visible.

  4. Select Share > Save > Save All, and save your work.

    Tip: You can also press Ctrl+S to save your work.

Congratulations, you have successfully completed this example!