Apply a Material to the Plates

Apply the AISI 304 steel material definition to the bottom and top plates. The material definitions from SOLIDWORKS did not transfer because they were not applied from the 3DEXPERIENCE material library.

  1. From the Setup section of the action bar, click Material Palette .
  2. Enter AISI 304 in the Filter field.

    If the material is not available, import the material library DS-Engineering.3dxml from the installation folder <installation path>\resources\materials\, and try again.

    If DS-Engineering.3dxml is not available in the installation folder, you can install it from the Compass by selecting your role, then selecting Role name content and clicking Install optional content now. For more information about optional content like material libraries, see 3DEXPERIENCE Native Apps Content.

    The Material Palette lists the material definition for AISI 304 in Core Material > Steel.
  3. Click the material definition, AISI 304, and drag it onto the top plate part in the 3D area.

  4. Click Close Command to close the context toolbar.
    The top plate inherits the material definition.
  5. Similarly, apply the same material definition to the bottom plate.
    The Feature Manager displays the material assignments in the Model tab under the Definition column.