Review the General Contact Definition

Review the contact property assigned to the general contact definition.

The general contact method replaces the contact sets applied in SOLIDWORKS and defines the default behavior for contacting surfaces throughout a model. The benefit of the general contact method is that it detects any contact interactions between the surfaces automatically. The contact property feature defines the friction properties for the general contact method.

In this example, you confirm that the appropriate contact property is assigned to the general contact definition.

  1. In the Feature Manager, double-click General Contact.1.
    The General Contact dialog box appears.
  2. For the Global contact property, confirm the selection of Contact Property.1, and click OK.
  3. In the Feature Manager, double-click Contact Property.1.
  4. Expand the Tangential behavior section, and confirm the selection of Coulomb as the Friction type.
  5. Enter 0.05 as the Friction coefficient.
  6. Click OK.