Client Settings

The App specific settings are stored in the SolidEdgeSettings.ini file in the App installation directory.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:

The settings file has the following default settings:

Server Section

This section lists the strings in the Server section of the SolidEdgeSettings.ini file and their purpose.

address=server url

Important: The server flags address, clientName, and appletloglevel have been deprecated.

Client Section

This section lists the strings in the Client section of the SolidEdgeSettings.ini file and their purpose.

browserwindowname=ENOVIA Collaborative Design Applications
helpfilepath=server url/docv6/DShomepage_English.htm


This is a Boolean debug setting. This can have values true or false. If set to true an extra directory, ENOVIASolidEdgeInteg is created in the user's profile directory. This directory contains the log file SEInteg.log, which contains the log for all the commands executed. This can be used for troubleshooting.


This is a numeric setting. It can accept values within a range of 1-4. By default the value will be set to 1. This will log only the 'error' messages by the Connector for Solid Edge. A value of 4 indicates, all the message will be logged by the CSE. These messages include debug, information and error messages.


This is a boolean flag. If this flag is true, the integration will list & checkin the associated drawings (draft files) of the part/assembly/sheet metal file being checked in. By default the value is set to 'FALSE'.


This is a boolean flag. If the value of this flag is set to true, then the integration allows checking in of 'family of part' member files along with the master part. The member files will be listed as children node under the 'family of part'.


This flag has been deprecated.

helpfilepathThe help url path installed on the server

This is a boolean setting. If the value of the above key is set to "True", the integration checks in the configuration file (.cfg file) associated with the assembly file. The default value is FALSE.

Note: The integration assumes that the name of the configuration file is same as name of the associated assembly file. The reason is, Solid Edge does not provide any API to retrieve the name of the configuration file used by an assembly.


This is a Boolean setting. and the default value is false. If you set this variable to true and select the "Delete Selected Local Files "/"Delete All Local Files" checkbox (in Checkin page) during Checkin, then the derived output files created locally, at the time of checkin will be deleted. (In case of the Delete All local files option, derived outputs only for the selected files are deleted.) If you want to preserve the derived output files then you can set this Boolean variable as false. Setting the boolean variable as false and selecting the Delete Selected Local Files or Delete All Local Files check box (in Checkin page) deletes only the CAD Model files and the derived output files created locally are not deleted.


If "ChangeStatusOnLockUnlock" is true, then status of SolidEdge files are marked as 'Available' when they are locked in ENOVIA and as 'InWork' if they are unlocked in ENOVIA. This locking and unlocking sould be done with App interaction.

If "ChangeStatusOnLockUnlock" is set as false then there is no status change in SolidEdge documents during lock-unlock.


The value are true and false.

If set to true, Associative Link relationships are created on save to ENOVIA, between a part and the assembly which contains associated sketch which is copied to the part.


Set the flag, processdraftnonmodellinksoncheckin=false to disable the inclusion of all non model links like drawing to drawing references and OLE s when you try to checkin a drawing. When the flag "processdraftnonmodellinksoncheckin" is false, then the non-model files ( referenced OLEs and other drawing objects) are not send to ENOVIA during checkin operation.

Setting processdraftnonmodellinksoncheckin=true allows the checkin of non-model files ( referenced OLEs and drawings) during checkin to ENOVIA.

You should not change the value of any entry in the "SolidEdgeSettings.ini" file, when any of the integrations command is active.

searchlimit The upper limit of the number of search results that should appear when search is performed on Open / Insert dialogs.
paginationThis string governs if pagination should be available.
pagesizeThe number of pages that should be available.
LanguageThe default language of the application. By default, the language is English.

To configure it to other languages below should be the setting in SolidEdgeSettings.ini in place of

searchlimit The upper limit of the number of search results that should appear when search is performed on Open / Insert dialogs.
paginationThis string governs if pagination should be available.
pagesizeThe number of pages that should be available.
searchlimit The upper limit of the number of search results that should appear when search is performed on Open / Insert dialogs.
paginationThis string governs if pagination should be available.
pagesizeThe number of pages that should be available.
LanguageThe default language of the application. By default, the language is English.

To configure it to other languages below should language=English




