Adding Custom Attributes

This section shows the procedure to add a Custom Attribute, for example, "Material" in Solid Edge and mapping it in ENOVIA.

  1. Open a part in SolidEdge and click File > Properties > Custom option.
  2. Add a Custom attribute called "Material" (text attribute) and assign a value, for example, "Aluminum".

    ENOVIA side:

  3. In ENOVIA, define an attribute called "Material" (string type). (Note: The name can be different)
  4. Add this attribute to the relevant ENOVIA types. In this case, "SE Component" .
  5. For supporting Solid Edge to ENOVIA attribute transfer, map this Material attribute in "MCADInteg-CADToMxAttribMapping" attribute of Global Config Object. The mapping will be,

    component,Material|SE Component,Material

  6. For supporting ENOVIA to SolidEdge attribute transfer, map the Material attribute in "MCADInteg-MxToCADAttribMapping" attribute of current Global Config Object. The mapping will be,

    SE Component,Material| component,Material

    With these settings, the "Material" attribute in Solid Edge is transferred to ENOVIA and back whenever the design is saved to ENOVIA or opened from ENOVIA.