Derived Output

You can set specific type of derived outputs for each document type for the active save session from the Save dialog box.

Before you begin: In the Save dialog box, select the required documents for setting the derived outputs. For more information, see 3DEXPERIENCE Save Dialog Box.
  1. In the 3DEXPERIENCE Save dialog box, right-click the selected documents and click Derived Outputs.
    The Derived Output dialog box appears with a list of all supported derived output types for the selected document.

    The check boxes in the Derived Output dialog box display one of the following status:

    Check box StatusDescription
    Derived output type is not selected.

    Derived output type is selected for all selected documents that support it.

    The selected derived output is enforced by the administrator. This derived output is generated for all selected documents that support the derived output.
    Note: This selection cannot be modified.

    The selected derived output is generated only for a sub set of the selected documents of the same type that support this derived output. Select to change your selection to .

  2. Select the required derived output types and click OK.

Derived output types are set for the selected documents in the Save dialog box.

Note: The selected derived outputs are valid only for the active save session.