About Combo Boxes and Lists

The Card Editor has a variety of combo boxes and lists, all of which are interactive controls that you can choose in customizing a card. This topic describes and explains the differences and similarities among the various combo box and list controls.

See Also
Adding a Combo Box or List
Controlled by Attribute Dialog Box
Toolbar Icon and Name Description Associated Properties Pane

Combobox Dropdown

A drop-down list that you provide with predefined values and the ability for users to enter their own value in the edit field. Combobox properties

Combobox Droplist

A drop-down list of values you define. Users cannot enter a value. Droplist properties

Combobox Simple

A permanently visible list of values you define. Combolist properties


A scrollable list of values you define. Listbox properties

Although each of the four controls has its own properties pane name, the properties panes for all four controls are otherwise the same.