Setting up the Client for Background Derived Output Generation

To take advantage of background generation of derived output, you as a user must set the Preferences on the server for background derived output generation.

  1. Log into the server either directly or from the web client.
  2. From the top bar, from , click X-CAD Design > Preferences.
  3. From the Preferences dialog box, from the SOLIDWORKS, tab, select the Background check box for each derived output that you want background derived output.
  4. Click Update.
  5. To make your new Preference selections active in Connector for SOLIDWORKS, you must log out of Connector for SOLIDWORKS and re-login into Connector for SOLIDWORKS as follows:
    1. Close X-CAD Design Management.
    2. From the task bar in Connector for SOLIDWORKS, click 3DEXPERIENCE and click Exit.
    3. Log in again to Connector for SOLIDWORKS.