Context: Use this task to complete
In the Input formula box or the Input Formula dialog box either:
- Type your complete formula string directly into the text box.
- Select
to build your input formula by selecting either: - Attributes and select from the menu tree.
The attributes in the Attributes menu tree are listed alphabetically.
- Functions and select from the Functions menu.
The Functions selections are:
- Add Numbers
- Subtract Numbers
- Multiply Numbers
- Divide Numbers
- Left Substring
- Right Substring
- Middle Substring
- String X from List
- String Length
- Find Substring
- Reversed Find Substring
- Reverse String
- Today's Date
Continue adding attributes, functions, and static text until your input formula is complete.
You can also add static text into the Input Formula box. The software does not evaluate the static text, but the edit box displays the text when the users enter their selections from the related controls.
If you are working in the Input formula dialog box, click OK.
The software displays your dialog box entries in Input formula in the Edit-box properties pane.
When users complete your customized card, they select attributes from other controls on the card that are mapped to your input formula.