About the Installation Process

This section describes the installation process.

This page discusses:


To install Connector for SOLIDWORKS server, use one of these server installers.

  • For Windows: setup.exe
  • For UNIX : setup.sh

Precautions during Installation on UNIX

You must log in as a user with administration rights. Log in as root to install the Connector for SOLIDWORKS on UNIX.

The user must have the following permissions:

  • Permission to run the installer
  • Permission to run MQL
  • Write permission on the ENOVIA RMI staging directory
  • Write permission to the user installation directory
  • Make sure JDK is installed and the environment variable PATH points to the directory where the java executable is installed. For example, if the JDK install directory is /opt/java, then /opt/java/bin should be in the PATH.

Before you start, make sure:

  • The TEMP variable (for Windows) or TMP (for UNIX) must be set to a valid directory.
  • The drive where the TEMP variable points should have sufficient free space. The installer executable size is approximately 4 MB.
  • The Security Alert message is granted permission to proceed.

Ensure that the compatible version of JVM is installed. The JVM is available for download from Sun's Java web site.