Modifying Edges

You can modify edges using the Robot

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: Create a shape.

Delete Edges

You can delete a smooth edge which has two co-planar bounded faces.

  1. Select the edge.
  2. Press Del or right-click the bend and select Delete.
    The edge is deleted.

Translate Smooth Edges

You can translate a smooth edge which has two co-planar bounded faces.

  1. In the folded view, select the edge.
  2. Select the directional arrow and move it to the desired location.

  3. Release the mouse when satisfied.

    All the connected edges are translated.

    Tip: You can also use the ruler.

Copy Edges

You can copy a smooth edge or a sharp edge.

  1. Select an edge.
  2. In the context toolbar, click Pattern .
    The Robot displays the available directions.

  3. Drag one of the arrows.
    A Count box appears to enter the number of copies.

  4. In the Count box, enter the number of edges you want to copy and click the work area to validate.
  5. Optional: To create a subdivided wall:
    1. Select the top or bottom edge of the face you just created.
    2. In the context toolbar, click Wall on Edge.

    3. Drag the arrow to create a new wall.

Move Lateral Sharp Edges

You can move a lateral sharp edge to modify the entire part.

  1. Select the edge.
  2. In the context toolbar, click Move Element .
    Two arrows appear to indicate the available directions to move the edge.

  3. Drag one of the arrows to move the edge.
    A ruler displays the distance added or removed.

  4. To define a value, do either of the following:
    • Release the mouse when the displayed value is correct.
    • Click the value displayed along the ruler, enter a new value in the box, and then press Enter.

Your part is modified.

Modify Chamfers

You can set the length, angle and support of a chamfer.

  1. Double-click the chamfer you want to modify.
  2. To change the length or the angle, select the value displayed in the Distance or Angle box and enter a new value.
  3. To change the reference support faces, select the Switch Chamfer Support check box.
    The chamfer support is changed.
  4. Click the work area to validate.

Note: You can also modify longitudinal chamfers.

Modify Corners

You can change the radius of a corner.

  1. Double-click the corner you want to modify.
    The Radius box appears.
  2. Select the value displayed in the Radius box and enter a new value.
  3. Click the work area to validate.