Creating Walls from Extrusions

You can create walls by extruding sketches.

Before you begin: Create a reference wall.
  1. From the Model section of the action bar, click Draw.
    By default, the Draw on Grid function is selected.
  2. Draw a linear sketch.

    One of the extremities of the sketch must be on the edge of the part, and the sketch must be on a plane normal to this edge.

  3. Select the sketch.
    An arrow appears in the extrusion plane.
  4. Drag the arrow to create the extrusion.

  5. Click the work area to validate.
  6. Select all the created faces.
  7. In the context toolbar, select the bend extremity type:
    • Minimum with no relief : The bend is associated to the smallest of the two walls.
    • Maximum : The bend is associated to the largest of the two walls.
      Note: If you choose Maximum and change the size of the reference wall, the bend size will change as well.
    • Tangent: The bend extremities type is tangent.
    • Linear: The bend extremities type is linear.
    Note: You can also choose between the four options after creating the wall.
  8. In the context toolbar, click Wall .
    The wall from an extrusion is created.

  • If several connections are possible when creating a wall from the extrusion of a given face, -select the faces you want to connect before clicking Wall .
  • You can disconnect faces of a wall if a wire is on the top or bottom face of the wall. To do so, select a wire and in the context toolbar, click Disconnect using selected edge.