Process for Adding Custom Attributes

When users create content, that content includes attribute values that help define the content. Different object types, such as Physical Products and Requirements, have different sets of attributes. Your company might decide to implement attributes for types that are specific to your company.

Important: Only add attributes to types before any content has been being created and before inviting any users to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. After content has been created, you can still add or remove attributes to or from types, but you should strictly follow the process detailed below to maintain data integrity. If you choose to add or remove attributes after content has been created, keep these issues in mind:
  • Depending on the number of objects that exist, it could be time-consuming to add or remove the attribute. Active users may experience slower response time.
  • On the cloud: When adding or removing attributesS to or from existing objects, users might see discrepancies in the navigation panes and search results could show empty values. The properties for the object show the accurate values for those attributes. This discrepancy will only be resolved when the cloud platform is upgraded.

This page discusses:

Preferred Attribute Customization Process: Best Practice

The best practice for adding custom attributes is to do so before any content is created, and before any users are invited to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.

An Administrator follows these steps to add custom attributes to types before any content is created or inviting any users to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform:

  1. Add attributes to the required types. For more information, see Adding Custom Attributes to Types.
  2. To test the customization, create a few objects.
  3. Evaluate the results, and edit the custom attributes as required.
  4. Delete all test objects.
  5. Invite users to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
  6. Do not add or remove attributes after content has been created in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.

If Content Exists

If users have been working in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform and content already exists, you can still customize types if absolutely required, however, follow these guidelines to maintain data integrity.

An Administrator follows these steps to add custom attributes to types:

  1. Stop production of all apps to prevent any creation or modification of content.
  2. Add attributes to the required types. For more information, see Adding Custom Attributes to Types.
  3. To test the customization, create a few objects.
  4. Evaluate the results, and edit the custom attributes as required.
  5. Delete all test objects.
  6. Propagate the attributes to existing objects.
    Note: This process can be time-consuming.
  7. Restart production for all apps.
  8. Do not add or remove attributes after content has been created in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.