Allow Users Read-access To Any Content in Any Other Collaborative Space

This access rule determines if a user can access private content owned by a user's passive credentials. This access is called multi-context readability.

This access rule is activated by default.

For example, a user can clone private content owned by another collaborative space into the current collaborative space. The user must have a valid set of credentials for the content.

When this access rule is activated, users have their normal access to content owned by the active credentials, and access to content owned by any of their passive credentials. When this access rule is deactivated, users only have access to content owned by the active credentials.

This access rule honors organization hierarchy. If Org2 is a child of Org1, any set of credentials that grants access to content owned by Org1 can be accessed by a user connected to Org2.

This access rule works in combination with the Allow Read-access to Any Public Content Owned by the User's Organization Credentials rule (activated by default). If you deactivate both rules, users can only access content owned by the organization and collaborative space of their active credentials. For more information about how these rules work together, see Allow Read-access to Any Public Content.

When activated, users with restricted access roles have read access to content owned by their organization in a collaborative space other than the one specified by their active credentials. The restricted user must be a member of that other collaborative space.