Allow Owner to Modify Released Content

This access rule determines if an Owner/Owner (Restricted) can modify content that is in the Released state. By default, this access rule is enabled.

When enabled, an Owner/Owner (Restricted) can modify content in any state except Obsolete. This access rule allows you to disable the ability of an Owner/Owner (Restricted) to modify content in the Released state if that conforms to your business rules.

This access rule applies to these types of content:

  • Engineering Definition
  • Engineering Evaluation
  • Engineering Resource

When this access rule is enabled, an Owner/Owner (Restricted) can perform these actions on content that is in the Released state:

  • Modify attributes and geometry of the Reference
  • Add or insert a Port, Connection, or Instance
  • Remove or cut a Port, Connection, or Instance
  • Edit or lock a Port, Connection, or Instance

If this access rule is disabled, an Owner/Owner (Restricted) cannot perform the above actions.

An Administrator can modify released content regardless of the setting of this access rule.