When Creating a New Minor Revision, Set the Maturity State to In Work

This access rule determines which sate a minor revision is created in, either IN_WORK or PRIVATE. By default, this rule is activated.

Activating this access rule may affect performance due to additional checking.

If you change the setting for this rule, you must Reload the Server Cache.

See Also
About Revisions

When activated, the new minor revision is automatically promoted to the IN_WORK state when a user creates it. As a result, minor revisions are available to other members of the same collaborative space. If the user does not want to share newly-created minor revisions with other people, the user can manually demote it to the PRIVATE state.

When deactivated, the new minor revision remains in the PRIVATE state. As a result, minor revisions are created for personal use, and can only be modified by the owner. When ready, the user can manually promote the minor revision to the IN_WORK state to collaborate with others.

The Lock content before modification rule controls who can access content for modification. When the, When Creating a New Minor Revision, Set the Maturity State to In Work is deactivated, however, all new minor revisions are created in the PRIVATE state. Consequently, locking the content serves no purpose: content is created in the PRIVATE state and can only be modified by its owner.

In prior releases, minor revisions were always created in the PRIVATE state. When upgrading, minor revisions continue to be created in the PRIVATE state unless you activate this rule. For new installations, this rule is already activated.

This access rule does not apply to System Administrators. In this case, new minor revisions are not promoted to the IN_WORK state whether this rule is activated or deactivated.