Cautions and Recovery

Some actions that are perfectly acceptable when initially configuring and setting up an installation could cause problems if content already exists, when upgrading, or under other circumstances.

Follow these recommendations when configuring your installation:

  • Do not remove an attribute from a type if content for that type already exists. If no content exists, verify that no other configured features (such as lifecycle checks, Product part collaboration, or other business rules) refer to the attribute.
  • If you change the identifiers for a type, such as the prefix or suffix, those identifiers for existing content are not changed. That is, existing content retains the identification in effect when the content was created.
  • Do not change the revision sequence for a type if content for that type already exists. Changing the revision sequence prevents any existing content from being revised.
  • Before you remove a state from a lifecycle (maturity graph), make sure no content exists that is currently in that state. If you remove the state, any content in that state cannot be promoted or demoted.

If you observe undesirable behavior after deploying a configuration, Administrators can rollback a configuration feature using either of these methods:

  • Revert the feature to its previous value. For example, check or uncheck options in the Access Rules tab, remove attribute mapping in the Product/Part Collaboration tab, or remove lifecycle checks in the Maturity Graph tab.
  • Open the tab that contains the setting and click Reset. The app updates the settings with the out-of-the-box values. You must apply these "new" settings for them to take effect.