Consider User's Organization Assignment on Content Category

This access rule allows you to configure which content types should restrict modifications to content to users within the organization that owns the content.

You can use the Consider user's organization assignment on content category access rule to specify which types of content the rule should apply to. You can add or remove these categories from the rule:

  • Definition
  • Evaluation
  • Resource
  • Engineering Team Personal Management

Click the X for a category to remove it. Click the down arrow and the category name to add it to the rule.

Modify operations include these activities:

  • Editing attributes and stream
  • Editing the structure
  • Changing maturity states (promoting and demoting)
  • Transferring ownership
  • Revising
  • Reserving
  • Deleting
  • Extending access rights

Restricted users can only access content of their organization, regardless of the setting for this access rule.