Allow Read Access to In Work Content in Protected or Private Collaborative Spaces

This access rule determines if users with the Reader/Reader (Restricted), Contributor/Contributor (Restricted) and Author/Contributor (Restricted) roles can query, expand and open private definition, evaluation and resource (includes both administrative and authoring resource) content in IN_WORK state that belongs to protected and private collaborative spaces.

Users with restricted roles are limited to content owned by the collaborative space and organization of their credentials.

This access rule only impacts the visibility of IN_WORK private content.

By default, the Allow read access to in work content in protected or private collaborative spaces access rule is activated. This access rule only affects private content in the IN_WORK state the collaborative space of the active credentials (regardless of the organization).

When activated, the listed access levels can access all content categories for private IN_WORK content, with the restriction that a Reader/Reader (Restricted) must own the Personal Management content to access it.

This table lists the access levels that can access private IN_WORK content when this access rule is deactivated.

Table 1. Access to Private IN_WORK Content When access rule is Deactivated
Access Level

(Business Role)

Content Categories
Personal Management Evaluation Definition Administrative Resource Management or Authoring Resource Management

Reader (Restricted)

Access only if users owns the content No access No access No access

Contributor (Restricted)

Access Access No access No access

Contributor (Restricted)

Access Access Access No access

Leader (Restricted)

Access Access Access Access

Owner (Restricted)

Access Access Access Access

Other access rules can also affect which users can access content.