Allow Usage of Private Content From Any Collaborative Space Users Have Access To

This access rule allows users who have the required access levels to reuse private content in the same way as public content.

By default, this access rule is activated.

Users can insert private content into structures. Depending on their access rights, other users might or might not see that inserted content. As such, the product structure visible to two users assigned to the same collaborative space could be different. One user does not know what other users can see, and users do not know if the structure they view is complete.

You must deploy security properly across collaborative spaces to guarantee that specific activities impact only the relevant product structures. It can be difficult to define the best place for a given component without having access to all the surrounding components. Care must also be taken to produce reliable results for computing the weight of a structure, interference checking, and so on.

The impact on updating, duplicating, saving as new, revisions, importing/exporting, promoting, transferring, for example, must be taken into consideration. Each of these operations has can have specific behaviors regarding inaccessible relations or objects.

You must also consider any custom business logic or checks Behavior regarding customized business logic and custom checks. Certain checks tolerate certain modifications and promotion because all blocking conditions will not be found due to inaccessible objects.

Explicit Content Applicability

The Collaborative Space Applicability command makes content applicable to another collaborative space so that the content becomes readable by users assigned to the other collaborative space. Users assigned to the other collaborative space can then reuse (insert, connect to, and so on) the content.

This optional feature can be used alongside free private content applicability, and is under control of at least the Leader/Leader (Restricted) role.

This command supports predictive security in large scale collaborative deployment.

This feature promotes uniform (as opposed to individual) security behavior. Checks will be performed when inserting or connecting to content to ensure increased user awareness regarding operations that cannot be saved. Certain insert operations are refused, for example inserting content into inactive content. A warning is issued prior to other operations, for example when inserting private content from different contexts users may have access to, when the content is not explicitly applicable.

Adding content applicability only provides another collaborative space with readability and connectability to content. All other operations, such as modifying, deleting, revisioning, and promoting, are not granted to the other collaborative space. Content that is made applicable to another collaborative space grants the other collaborative space users the same readability behavior as in the original collaborative space.

For example, if Product1 is in CollabSpace1, adding applicability CollabSpace2 to Product1 lets any user of CollabSpace2 see Product1, and any Author/Author (Restricted) in CollabSpace2 can insert Product1 into their product.

There is no propagation of applicability or readability to other components:

  • If a part is applicable to another collaborative space, its related material does not become applicable to the other collaborative space.
  • If a product is applicable to another collaborative space, its sub-components do not become applicable to the other collaborative space.

The applicability extension provides generic readability to aggregated data:

  • A review contained in a part becomes readable because it is readable in the original collaborative space.
  • A constraint contained in a product becomes readable because it is readable in the original collaborative space.
  • A 3DPart is managed with single applicability for both the product and its 3DShape.