Typical Lifecycle Changes

Some lifecycle edits are commonly used by many companies to define specific business processes.

For instructions on editing the lifecycle, see Editing Lifecycles.

This page discusses:

Controlling Engineering Definition Object Promotion Based on the Related Specification State

Many companies want to prevent Engineering Definition objects from being promoted when associated specifications are not in a specified state. You can configure the Engineering Definition lifecycle for this business process requirement.

To configure this business rule, edit the Engineering Definition lifecycle to add a promotion control rule between the required states with this definition:

Field Option
Object Type Physical Product
Rule Reject if any of the Governed Children is not on Target State
Consider All Children Types

You can also configure the Engineering Definition lifecycle to reject promotion of Engineering Definition objects if any implemented logical references are not in the target state.

To configure this business rule, edit the Engineering Definition lifecycle to add a promotion control rule between the required states with this definition:

Field Option
Object Type Physical Product
Rule Reject if any of the Logical implemented entities is not on target state

If you use this rule:

  • When promoting a physical product from the In Work state to the Frozen state, if all the implemented logical references are in the Frozen or the Released state, the physical product is promoted.
  • When promoting a physical product from the In Work or the Frozen state to the Released state, if all the implemented logical references are in the Released state, the physical product is promoted.

Preventing Documents from Demotion from Frozen to In Work

You can configure the Document Release policy to prevent Author or Contributor users from demoting a document governed by the Document Release policy from the Frozen state to the In Work state.

This configuration supports the ability to use change control to manage the promotion and demotion of documents. To configure this business rule, edit the Document Release lifecycle to add two demote control rules between the Frozen and the In Work state.

The first rule uses this definition:

Field Option
Object Type Document
Rule Reject On Author

The second rule uses this definition:

Field Option
Object Type Document
Rule Reject On Contributor

For more information, see Add Transition Controls.