Configuring Collaboration for Microsoft

As an administrator, you can add custom types through custom types configuration and configure parameters for Collaboration for Microsoft.

Required access role: Administrator

  1. Open the Collaborative Spaces Configuration Center widget. For more information, see Widgets to Configure Content and Business Rules.
  2. Under Collaborative Spaces Configuration Center, click Configuration for Collaboration with Microsoft. You may need to scroll through the list to find it.
  3. Expand the Custom Type Configuration section and do the following.
    1. Click Add New Mapping.
    2. In the Configure Custom Type, select Internal Type, and enter the value in 3DEXPERIENCE Type.
    3. Select the required values for Policy, Format fields from auto-populated values.
    4. Relationship is an optional field. To map, enter in the value in symbolic form.
    5. Click Add.
    6. In the table, click Apply.
    The custom type is added and MSF GlobalConfig MSOfficeNewArch TEAM is updated.
  4. Click Reset to cancel the created mapping.
  5. Expand the Basic Configuration section and select the check box to enable a parameter, or clear the check box to disable a parameter.

    Options Description
    Make Comments Mandatory Select the check box to make comments mandatory while saving files to the 3DEXPERIENCE.
    Select States to Display Templates (applies only to Document Release policy) Select the check box to view templates for the selected states in New from Templates pane.
    Note: If you don't spacify any state the Released state is considered as default state.
    Unsupported File Extensions Select the check box to disbale support for file extensions while saving, opening, or creating files.

  6. Click Reset to reset settings on server to their OOTB status.
Re-login to the Collaboration for Microsoft to take the changes into account.