Configuring IP Protection and Export Control Management

You can configure IP Protection and Export Control Management parameters.

  1. Open the Collaborative Spaces Configuration Center widget. For more information, see Widgets to Configure Content and Business Rules.
  2. In the menu in the left pane, select IP Protection and Export Control Management.
  3. To change the default value of a parameter, select a value from the list, select the check box to enable a parameter, or clear the check box to disable a parameter. The changes are immediately applied to the parameter.

    Parameter Description
    Configure IP Protection and Export Control parameters
    Cache Control
    Cached data validity in seconds Set the time period for which the access of a protected item is cached. The access is re-evaluated only after this time interval. After this time period, any change in security criteria that can potentially affect user access is recalculated. The cache is on a per object level and specific for each user. Each protected object access is cached for the user when they first access it and the cache expiry is calculated per object. In case of a change in any security criteria, the new change will be fully functional after a maximum period of time as defined in the cache validity. Since security criteria does not change frequently, it is not recommended to reduce the cache validity as it leads to unnecessary access evaluations and impacts performance. By default, the value is 14,400 seconds or 4 hours.
    On premises only: Cycles between cleaning cached data
    Set the number of cycles before cleaning older items from the cache. The expired cached items are cleared first. If the remaining cache size is still greater than the maximum allowed size after cleaning, the older items are removed from the cache until it meets the size limit. The cached items are cleared in the order they were added. The cleaning action occurs after a time interval calculated by multiplying this property value with the cached data validity time interval. By default, the value is 3.
    On premises only: Maximum number of cached items after cleaning operation
    After the cache is cleaned, set the maximum number of items that remain in the cache. The cached items are cleared in the order they were added. By default, the value is 5000.
    On premises only: Maximum number of allowed cached items before starting cleaning operation
    Set the maximum number of items that can exist in the cache. If this count is reached, the cache cleaning action will be executed irrespective of the time interval set for the cleaning cycle. By default, the value is 10000.
    On premises only: Logs Archived
    On premises only: Import log entry override
    Select the check box to allow the Import Log Entries action to override existing data if the object in the import file row already exists. If selected, the object attributes might be overwritten by the values in the import file. By default, the parameter is checked.
    On premises only: Archive month filter
    Select the value to identify the number of months of logs to include in the XML archive log. By default, the value is 6.
    On premises only: Logs Capture
    On premises only: Record Physical Location updates
    Select the check box to record the physical location update entries in the export log entries listing. The check box is cleared by default.
    On premises only: Record Denials
    Select the check box to record access denials in the export log entries listing. The check box is cleared by default.
    On premises only: Record Approvals
    Select the check box to record approved access for security classified items in the export log entries listing. The check box is cleared by default.
    On premises only: Record Checkouts
    Select the check box to allow the checkout trigger to record the information as defined by the DifferentSitesOnly property in the IP Security Log Entry businessobject for event Checkout Action. The parameter is cleared by default.
    Location Control
    Location Aware Mode Controls the visibility of the physical location selection in the security context dialog box. If Location Aware Mode is enabled, the last physical location details display on the security context dialog box. The check box is cleared by default.
    Important: The Administrator must reload the cache after changing this parameter. For more information, see Reload the Server Cache.
    Disable IP Security
    Disable IP Security for indexed data Select the check box if you are no longer using IP Protection Management and IP Export Control Management. By enabling this parameter, IP Protected data will be exposed to unauthorized users when working with indexed data. The check box is cleared by default.

    The icons next to each parameter display the status of the parameter. The Green displays the default value and the applied change. The Red displays the unsuccessful applied change. The Info displays detailed information about the parameter.

  4. Click Reset to reset the default values.