Configuring Change Management

If you have installed any apps that use Change Management, Administrator users can select rules to govern change actions (CA) and change orders (CO).

You must have the Collaborative Industry Innovator license role to configure Change Management.

  1. Open the Collaborative Spaces Configuration Center widget. For more information, see Widgets to Configure Content and Business Rules.
  2. In the menu in the left pane, click Change Management. You might need to scroll through the list to find it.
  3. To disable stand alone Change Actions, select the Disable standalone Change Action functionality.

    To enable stand alone Change Actions, clear the Disable standalone Change Action functionality.

  4. To define the access roles required for reviewing and owning change actions, select the roles in the Change Roles section:

    Rule Options
    Change Action owner role
    • Leader: only users with the Leader role can own a CA
    • At least Contributor: to own a CA, users must have at least a Contributor role
    Note: Between the approvers and the owner, at least one person must be a Leader to promote the change action to the In Approval state.
    Change Action approver(s) roles
    • Only Leaders: Only users with the Leader role can be approvers.
    • One Leader: At least one approver must have the Leader role.
    • At Least Reader: Users who are approvers must have at least the Reader role and at least one Leader must own or review of the change.
    Note: Between the approvers and the owner, at least one person must be a Leader to promote the change action to the In Approval state.
    Do not allow change action owner to be the only approver The CA owner can review and approve the CA but others must also approve the CA. If the owner or anyone else rejects the CA, the CA is rejected.
    Do not allow change action assignees to be the only approvers The CA assignees can review and approve the CA but others must also approve the CA. If an assignee or anyone else rejects the CA, the CA is rejected.
    Do not allow change action governing change coordinator to be the only approvers The CA governing change coordinator can review and approve the CA but others must also approve the CA. If the change coordinator or anyone else rejects the CA, the CA is rejected.
    Note: User roles are taken into account across all collaborative spaces to which a user belongs. For example, if only leaders are allowed to approve a change action, a user with the author role in one collaborative space can approve a change action in that collaborative space if they are a leader in another collaborative space.

  5. To require an instance to have a fixed position before the CA can be promoted to the In Approval state, select the Enable Physical Product instance fix position check in the Check Physical Product instance "fix position" section.

    When an instance under a configured physical product is created or modified working under a change action, this rule requires that users must fix the instance position before the CA can be promoted to In Approval.

    All objects modified or created under a CA must be in the Frozen state before users can promote the CA to the In Approval state. This ensures that positions of instances under a configured physical product (modified or created working under the CA) remain constant during the CA approval process and beyond.

    Clear the check box if you do not want to enforce this requirement.

  6. To remove the requirement that users must apply a Work Under change action (CA) to revise a change-required object, clear the Enable Change Required check on revise check box in the Check of Change Required on revise section.

    Note: An external change management system must be integrated with Change Management.

    When enabled, users cannot revise a change-required object without using a Work Under change action.

  7. To define the minimum role required to remove change requirement from change-controlled objects, select a role from the Change Control removal minimum role list.

    The available values are:

    • Administrator: Only an Administrator can remove change control on all objects.
    • Owner: In addition to Administrator, the Owner can remove change control on objects in their project, in any organization.
    • Restricted Owner: In addition to Administrator and Owner, a Restricted Owner can remove change control on objects that belong to the same project and organization as the Restricted Owner.
    • Leader: In addition to Administrator, Owner, and Restricted Owner, a Leader can remove change control on objects that belong to the same project and organization as the Leader.
    • Restricted Leader: In addition to Administrator, Owner, Restricted Owners, and Leader, a Restricted Leader can remove change control on objects that belong to the same project and organization as the Restricted Leader.
    • Access Based: Any user with access privileges to demote or modify the object can remove Change Required from a change controlled object.

  8. To allow automatic removal of change required flag from all objects under a change action (CA), select the Enable Change Required automatic removal check box.
    If this check box is selected, when a CA is canceled or when the proposed activity is removed, the change required flag is removed from all objects under the CA if the user that cancels the CA has privileges to remove the flag on both objects. If the user that cancels the CA does not have the privilege to remove the flag from any object under the CA, the flag is not removed for any of the objects.
  9. To allow users to create and manage change actions groups, select the Enable Change Action Group functionality check box.
  10. To allow users to remain the owner of a change order (CO) when it is demoted from the In Work state, clear the Reset owner on Change Order demotion check box in the Change Order section.

    When selected, the CO is transferred to another user when demoted from the In Work state.

    If the CO is demoted, ownership is transferred based on the CO policies as described below.

    • Fast Track CO policy - The CO is assigned to the CO Initiator.
    • Formal CO policy - The CO is assigned to the person who owned the CO in the In Review state.

  11. To configure external change actions, choose options for the rules in the Change Proxy Coupling section:

    Note: An external change management system must be integrated with Change Management.
    Field Description
    Validate External Change is at this state when 3DX Change Order is in Approval Promoting an internal change order from In Work validates that all connected internal change actions are approved. This configuration field specifies the lifecycle state at which an external change is to be validated before its associated change order is in Approval.
    Validate External Change is at this state when last 3DX Change Action is Approved Promoting all internal Change Action from 'In Approval' auto-promotes the associated internal Change Order to 'In Approval'. This configuration field specifies the lifecycle state at which an external change must be validated for the associated change order to be promoted to In Approval.
    Auto-promote External Change to this state when 3DX Change Order is Complete Promoting an internal Change Order to 'Complete' auto-promotes all connected internal change actions to Complete. This configuration field specifies the lifecycle state to which an external change action is promoted when its associated internal change order is promoted to Complete.

  12. To automatically promote objects impacted by a change action to the Frozen state when the change action is promoted to the In Approval state, select the Enable Change Action Auto Freeze functionality check box.
    If you select this check box, when you promote a change action to the In Approval state, the objects impacted by the change action are automatically promoted to the Frozen state if they are already not in the Frozen state.
    • Only the objects that have Frozen maturity state or have a maturity state mapped to the Frozen maturity state are applicable.
    • This option is applicable only for change actions that have one or no assignee.
    • The impacted objects are promoted only if the person promoting the change action to the In Approval state has access privileges to promote the impacted object.
  13. To use default attributes for new impact analysis objects, select the Enable default attributes for new Impact Analysis objects check box.
    If you select this check box, the attributes, Benefit Impact, Cost Impact, Validation Effort, Risk Impact, and Implementation Effort are added to impact analysis objects.
  14. To add change actions only under a change order, select the Create orchestration Change Order after Change Request approval check box.
    If you select this check box, when a change request is moved to the Approved state, a change order is created automatically and all change actions that are not governed by any change order are added to the new change order.