Configuring Derived Format Management

You can create format rules to activate or deactivate derived format generation.

Required access role: Administrator

  1. From the left pane menu, click Derived Format Management.
  2. Click Create New Rule.
    Create Conversion Rule dialog box appears.
  3. Specify values for the following fields.
    Converter Choose the required converter.
    CAD Origin Choose the required CAD origin from the list.
    Note: If the selected converter has the only CAD origin, the CAD Origin option is grayed-out.
    Type Choose the required type. You can select Part or Drawing.
    Source Format The source format is displayed based on the chosen CAD Origin and Type.
    Target Format Choose the required target format from the list. You can select STEP, ExactGeometry, or PDF.
    Note: The target formats are displayed based on the previously chosen fields.
    Unified Format The unified target format and its value is displayed based on the target format.
    Parameters Select the required parameters and click . You can also define additional parameters for the selected format while creating the conversion rule.
    Note: Define parameters correctly in the derived format management declarative file of the converter before the creation of the rule.
    Event Choose the required event. You can select On Save, On Promote, or On Demand.
    Activation You can choose the required activation rule from the following options.
    • Forced Active: The derived output rule is active by default and you do not have the privilege to override it.
    • Default Active: The derived output rule is active by default and you can override to inactivate it.
    • Default Inactive: The derived output rule is inactive by default and you can override to activate it.
    Note: For the event On Save and On Promote, the activation rule is Forced Active.
    Target State From the list, select the required lifecycle maturity state.
    Note: This field is active only while creating a conversion rule with the On Promote event. Specify the Target State for the conversion rule.
  4. Click Ok.

The derived format rule is created successfully. Click Apply to deploy the rule.

Tip: You can select the required rule, click Delete, and click Apply.
  • Custom format and custom parameters with free text are not supported. Declare each target format and parameter name in the declarative resource file located at MATRIXINSTALL’/STAGING/ematrix/WEB-INF/resource/DerivedOutput/ for the custom format to be available.
  • If the pop-up message "Reload the server cache for the change to take effect" appears, reload the server change using the command Reload Cache in Configuration Development. For more information, see Working with Server Utilities in Collaborative Spaces Control Center Administrator's Guide.
  • You cannot generate derived outputs for PartSupply components for the event type On Demand.
Recommendation: After all the derived format rules are created, reload the cache using the command Reload Cache in Configuration Development. For more information, see Working with Server Utilities in Collaborative Spaces Control Center Administrator's Guide.