Configuring Iterations

Administrator users can define settings for the retention of iterations. The apps automatically create iterations of a physical representation (3D Part, 3D Shape or Drawing) every time the user (usually an Author) saves it. You must have the Collaborative Industry Innovator license role to configure iterations.

  1. Open the Collaborative Spaces Configuration Center widget. For more information, see Widgets to Configure Content and Business Rules.
  2. In the menu in the left pane, click Retention policy for Iterations.
  3. Enter values for these boxes.

    Option Name Description
    Number of iterations kept per day How many iterations of a specific physical representation.
    Duration of keeping period The number of days that iterations of a specific physical representation are retained.
    Duration of keeping of the last iteration The number of days that iterations of a physical representation are retained, plus the packing period. The packing period is a number of days where only the final iteration of that day is saved.

    For on premises installations, the default values for these parameters are 0. If the keeping period or number of iterations is 0, users cannot access any prior iterations of their representations.

    On the cloud only: A batch job runs weekly on a Sunday when usage is low, and any iterations beyond the number of defined days to be kept are deleted.
    On premises only: You can define a batch job that deletes iterations beyond the number of days defined for keeping. The batch job takes all three parameters listed above into account. For more information, see Installation and Setup: Configure: People & Organizations and Content: Managing Iterations Using a Batch File.

    The batch job does not consider the current state of the object when deleting prior iterations. It is possible that a prior iteration in the current state could be deleted. The batch job only cleans archived iterations and never the active or latest RepReference.

  4. Click or click anywhere outside of a box that you changed, and the app immediately applies your change. The green check mark indicates that the option has been applied.