Editing the Visibility of a Collaborative Space

From the list of collaborative spaces for the host company, you can edit who has visibility to a collaborative space.

Before you begin:
  1. From the compass, select Collaborative Spaces Control Center.
  2. Click the Collaborative Spaces Control Center widget.
  3. Click Manage Collaborative Spaces.
  4. If you have access to multiple platforms, select the needed platform from the widget preferences.

If you added this widget to a dashboard, open that dashboard.

  1. Click > Edit visibility for the needed collaborative space.
  2. From the Visibility list, select the required option.

    You cannot modify Visibility of the Common Space collaborative space.

    Visibility Access to Content Owned by Collaborative Space
    Private - content visible to members only Content is not visible to users logged onto any other collaborative space. Content is only accessible to members of that collaborative space.
    Protected - Content with maturity 'Released' or 'Obsolete' visible to all users Content in the Released or Obsolete state is visible to users logged into this or any other collaborative space.

    Access to content in the Private, In Work, or Frozen states is protected.

    Public - Content visible to all users Content is visible to users logged into this or any other collaborative space, unless the content is in the Private maturity state.

    Content can be freely accessed and connected to from any other collaborative space. Public content remains public, ensuring stability and consistency of public content across different collaborative spaces.

  3. Click Edit.