Creating Cutting Elements

Cutting Element lets you create cutting elements using the reference plane system.

  1. Activate a 3D shape representation.
  2. Click Cutting Element .
  3. In the Category box, select the required category.
  4. Under Support, select the required deck planes.

    • The selected planes should be parallel to each other.
    • You can also select a surface as a support for cutting element.

    The horizontal cutting elements are created with deck supports.
  5. Optional: Under Limits, select the limits:
    • One dimensional features such as sketch, edges, lines, splines, etc.
    • Two dimensional features such as wire, surface, plane, cutting element, etc.
    • Volumes

    • You can click to create a sketch limit. The sketch is positioned on the first support selected under Support.
    • You can click Flip to consider the other side of the selected deck planes cut by the limiting element.
    Important: All the selected limits should form a closed boundary.

  6. Click OK.
    The horizontal cutting elements are created under a geometrical set. If the Enable hybrid design inside part bodies and bodies check box available at Me > Preferences > Common Preferences > Object Properties > 3D Shape > Infrastructure is selected, the cutting elements are created under a hybrid body or a geometrical set depending on the option specified.
  7. Create other cutting elements supported on cross/long planes (as per your requirements) by repeating the above steps.