Space Allocation Parameters

Space Allocation parameters specify how the faces or volumes of Space References should be projected in the drawing view.

You can customize Space Allocation parameters in Me > Preferences > Standards. In the Standard Definition dialog box, select the generativeparameters category, and then select the XML file you want to customize. Space Allocation parameters are located in the SpaceReference node of this XML file.

This page discusses:

Parameter Value Description
Draw Yes/No Specifies whether to draw the space reference or not.
  • If Yes, all the space references are drawn.
  • If No, the space references are not drawn.

By default, the value is Yes.

GraphicReplacement Yes/No Specifies whether to use graphic replacement property or not.
  • If Yes, graphic replacement is used.
  • If No, graphic replacement is not used.

By default, the value is Yes.

ViewType Defines two types of views for the space reference.
ViewType > TopViewDefines the top view projected by vector -Z or +Z.
ViewType > SideViewDefines the side view projected by vector –X, +X, -Y, or +Y.
  • You can add extensions to the SpaceReference node. This enables you to draw the space references with the different graphical settings depending on the assigned extension.

    Under the extensions, you can customize any of the above parameters. If there is no definition of the parameters, the default parameters which are defined under SpaceReference node will be used.

  • You can also define expressions using Enterprise Knowledge Language (EKL), under the SpaceReference node. Similar to the extension node, each expression node has its own graphical settings.
    • The name of this node must be Expression(N). The value of N must be in a numerical order and must start from 1.
    • The signature for the expression is defined as: (p: #In SPP_SpaceRef) : Boolean.
    • The expression value that is the expression body must be of String type.
    • The following comparison operators can be used in the expression body:

      OperatorUsage in the Expression BodyMeaning
      ====Equal to
      <>&lt;&gt;Not equal to
      >&gt;Greater than
      <&lt;Less than
      >=&gt;=Greater than or equal to
      <=&lt;=Less than or equal to

    • The logical operators (AND, OR) and the priority operators ('(', ')' ) can be used.
    • The following example is for a space reference to which the NAVCabin extension is attached, or whose V_Name is SR1 and V_Volume is greater than 300:

      <std:node name = "Expression1">
              p.IsASortOf("NAVCabin") OR (p.V_Name == "SR1" AND p.GetAttributeReal("V_Volume") &gt; 300)
          <std:node name = "ViewType">


Parameter Value Description
Draw Yes/No Draws the top view.

By default, the value is Yes.

BottomFace Defines the bottom face.
BottomFace > Draw Yes/No Draws the top view.

By default, the value is Yes.

BottomFace > LineTypeIntegerSets the type of line for 2D representation.

By default, the value is 1.

BottomFace > LineThicknessIntegerSets the thickness of line for 2D representation.

By default, the value is 2.

BottomFace > LineColorDefines the color of the line.
BottomFace > LineColor > 3DInheritanceYes/NoSpecifies whether to inherit the color of line from the 3D object or not.

By default, the value is Yes.

BottomFace > LineColor > ColorColorSets the color of the line.

By default, the value is 0 0 0.

BottomFace > AreaFillCreates an area fill and defines its parameters.
BottomFace > AreaFill > HatchingSpecifies the parameters for hatching fill method.
BottomFace > AreaFill > Hatching > DrawYes/NoDraws hatching on the bottom face.

By default, the value is No.

BottomFace > AreaFill > Hatching > AngleDegreesSets the angle of hatching in degrees.

By default, the value is 45.0.

BottomFace > AreaFill > Hatching > PitchFloatSets the pitch of hatching.

By default, the value is 5.0.

BottomFace > AreaFill > Hatching > OffsetFloatSets the offset of hatching.

By default, the value is 0.0.

BottomFace > AreaFill > Hatching > LineTypeIntegerSets the type of line for 2D representation.

By default, the value is 1.

BottomFace > AreaFill > Hatching > LineThicknessIntegerSets the thickness of line for 2D representation.

By default, the value is 1.

BottomFace > AreaFill > Hatching > ColorColorSets the color of hatching.

By default, the value is 0 0 0.

BottomFace > AreaFill > DottingSpecifies the parameters for dotting fill method.
BottomFace > AreaFill > Dotting > DrawYes/NoDraws dotting on the bottom face.

By default, the value is No.

BottomFace > AreaFill > Dotting > PitchFloatSets the pitch of dotting.

By default, the value is 5.0.

BottomFace > AreaFill > Dotting > ZigZagYes/NoCreates dotting in zigzag manner.

By default, the value is No.

BottomFace > AreaFill > Dotting > ColorColorSets the color of dotting.

By default, the value is 0 0 255.

BottomFace > AreaFill > ColoringSpecifies the parameters for coloring fill method.
BottomFace > AreaFill > DrawYes/NoDraws coloring on the bottom face.

By default, the value is No.

BottomFace > AreaFill > ColorSets the color of coloring fill method.

By default, the value is 0 0 255.

BottomFace > CrossingSpecifies the parameters for crossing.
BottomFace > Crossing > DrawYes/NoDraws crossing on the bottom face.

By default, the value is No.

BottomFace > Crossing > LineTypeIntegerSets the type of line for 2D representation.

By default, the value is 2.

BottomFace > Crossing > LineThicknessIntegerSets the thickness of line for 2D representation.

By default, the value is 1.

BottomFace > AnnotationTextStyleCreates an annotation text and specifies the annotation text styles.
BottomFace > AnnotationTextStyle > DrawYes/NoDraws an annotation text.

By default, the value is Yes.

BottomFace > AnnotationTextStyle > ATS_AutoPositionYes/NoDecides to create a leader or not.

By default, the value is No.

BottomFace > AnnotationTextStyle > ATS_ChapterNameStringSpecifies the name of the chapter from the annotation catalog set in Data Setup.

By default, the value is SpaceReference.

BottomFace > AnnotationTextStyle > ATS_TemplateNameStringSpecifies the name of the template to instantiate for SpaceReference from the annotation catalog set in Data Setup.

By default, the value is spl_space_name.

TopFaceDefines the top face.
TopFace > DrawYes/NoDraws the top face.

By default, the value is No.

TopFace > LineTypeIntegerSets the type of line for 2D representation.

By default, the value is 2.

TopFace > LineThicknessIntegerSets the thickness of line for 2D representation.

By default, the value is 1.

TopFace > LineColorDefines the color of the line.
TopFace > LineColor > 3DInheritanceYes/NoSpecifies whether to inherit the color of line from the 3D object or not.

By default, the value is No.

TopFace > LineColor > ColorColorSets the color of line.

By default, the value is 255 0 0.


DrawYes/NoDraws the side view.

By default, the value is Yes.

LineTypeIntegerSets the type of line for 2D representation.

By default, the value is 1.

LineThicknessIntegerSets the thickness of line for 2D representation.

By default, the value is 2.

LineColorDefines the color of the line.
LineColor > 3DInheritanceYes/NoSpecifies whether to inherit the color of line from the 3D object or not.

By default, the value is Yes.

LineColor > ColorColorSets the color of the line.

By default, the value is 0 0 0.

AreaFillCreates an area fill and defines its parameters.
AreaFill > HatchingSpecifies the parameters for hatching fill method.
AreaFill > Hatching > DrawYes/NoDraws hatching in the side view.

By default, the value is Yes.

AreaFill > Hatching > AngleDegreesSets the angle of hatching in degrees.

By default, the value is 45.0.

AreaFill > Hatching > PitchFloatSets the pitch of hatching.

By default, the value is 5.0.

AreaFill > Hatching > OffsetFloatSets the offset of hatching.

By default, the value is 0.0.

AreaFill > Hatching > LineTypeIntegerSets the type of line for 2D representation.

By default, the value is 1.

AreaFill > Hatching > LineThicknessIntegerSets the thickness of line for 2D representation.

By default, the value is 1.

AreaFill > Hatching > ColorColorSets the color of hatching.

By default, the value is 0 0 0.

AreaFill > DottingSpecifies the parameters for dotting fill method.
AreaFill > Dotting > DrawYes/NoDraws dotting in the side view.

By default, the value is No.

AreaFill > Dotting > PitchFloatSets the pitch of dotting.

By default, the value is 5.0.

AreaFill > Dotting > ZigZagYes/NoCreates dotting in zigzag manner.

By default, the value is No.

AreaFill > Dotting > ColorColorSets the color of dotting.

By default, the value is 0 0 255.

AreaFill > ColoringSpecifies the parameters for coloring fill method.
AreaFill > DrawYes/NoDraws coloring in the side view.

By default, the value is No.

AreaFill > ColorSets the color of coloring fill method.

By default, the value is 0 0 255.

CrossingSpecifies the parameters for crossing.
Crossing > DrawYes/NoDraws crossing in the side view.

By default, the value is Yes.

Crossing > LineTypeIntegerSets the type of line for 2D representation.

By default, the value is 4.

Crossing > LineThicknessIntegerSets the thickness of line for 2D representation.

By default, the value is 1.

AnnotationTextStyleCreates an annotation text and specifies the annotation text styles.
AnnotationTextStyle > DrawYes/NoDraws an annotation text.

By default, the value is Yes.

AnnotationTextStyle > ATS_AutoPositionYes/NoDecides to create a leader or not.

By default, the value is No.

AnnotationTextStyle > ATS_ChapterNameStringSpecifies the name of the chapter from the annotation catalog set in Data Setup.

By default, the value is SpaceReference.

AnnotationTextStyle > ATS_TemplateNameStringSpecifies the name of the template to instantiate for SpaceReference from the annotation catalog set in Data Setup.

By default, the value is spl_space_name.