About Space Assignment Cleanup

You can check and remove all the unnecessary space assignments of which one or both connected objects are deleted.

You can remove the space assignments directly from the database, when they don't have:

  • the assigned object (connected instance or reference)
  • the assigning space (connected space reference)
  • all the connected objects

This can be done using the Data Checker batch tool. The Data Checker needs to be run with the following parameters:

VPMDataChecker -mode CheckAndRepair -user <USER_NAME> -password <PASSWORD> -host localhost -v -rulefile DataChecker_SPPConnection_Rulefile.xml -outputfile <OUTPUT_FILE_PATH>
  • The rule file for this operation is DataChecker_SPPConnection_Rulefile.xml
  • The user must have authority to remove SPPConnection.
  • In the "Check" mode, the command checks the database and produces an output file without removing the reported space assignment. You can check the reported space assignments in the output file.
  • In the “CheckAndRepair” mode, the command corrects every error described in the output file.

For more information about data checker, see Multi-Discipline Collaboration Platform Administration Guide: Data Administration Tools and Techniques: Using the Data Checker.