Finding Physical Objects in Spaces

You can find the physical objects located in given spaces as per the required criteria.

Before you begin:
  • Create spaces in the Space Allocation app.
  • Set the unit in the Me > Preferences > Main Preferences > Modeling > Preference Pages > Units.
  1. From the Filter section of the action bar, click Space Refinement .
  2. In the Spaces box, select space reference and its inherited types.

    You can click available next to the Spaces box to replace and remove the selected spaces.

  3. Select AND or OR logical operator.
    • These logical operators are available if you select multiple spaces.
    • Select AND to consider all selected spaces for the chosen filter mode.
    • Select OR to consider at least one of the selected spaces for the chosen filter mode.
  4. In the Root products box, select a physical product containing the objects to filter.

    You can click available next to the Root products box to replace and remove the selected products.

  5. In the Filter mode list, select one of the following options:
    • Fully in: Filters the objects that are available inside the selected spaces.
    • Partly in: Filters the objects that are available inside and on the boundary of the selected spaces.
    • Across: Filters the objects that are available on the boundary of the selected spaces.
    • Partly out: Filters the objects that are available outside and on the boundary of the selected spaces.
    • Fully out: Filters the objects that are available outside the selected spaces.
  6. In the Clearance value box, specify the value that needs to be considered while selecting the objects for the Partly in and Fully out filter modes.
    • Partly in filters the objects that are available inside and on the boundary of the value specified from the selected spaces.
    • Fully out filters the objects that are available outside the value specified from the selected spaces.
  7. To filter objects, click Refine.
    The result panel displays the number of selected objects out of the total objects.
  8. Optional: Click Floating Spreadsheet to display an object and edit its content in the same tab as your structure.
    For more information, see 3D Modeling | Electrical & Electronic Systems | Electrical Systems Design | Using the Spreadsheet | About the Floating Spreadsheet.
    Note: This command is available on the PLM editor workshop and the product workshop.
  9. Optional: Click Sheet Editor to view and edit the properties of multiple objects in a spreadsheet view.
    For more information, see Simulation | Process Engineering | Manufactured Item Definition | Using the Sheet Editor.
    Note: This command is available on the universal workshop, PLM editor Workshop, and product workshop.
  10. Optional: To focus on a filtered object, click Center tree or Reframe On.