Using Chain Selection

You can select contiguous curve and surface elements by one step.

In the context menus of the element selection boxes, the following Chain Selection options are available:

  • Chain Selection (G0) and
  • Chain Selection (G1)

Before you begin: G0 or G1 contiguous curve or surface elements.

The G0 and G1 tolerance is specified on the Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling > Styling > ICEM Shape Design, Tolerance tab.

  1. Select the start element of the chain.
  2. Right-click a selection box and select Chain Selection (G0) or Chain Selection (G1).
    Starting with the start element all following elements are selected which are connected G0 or G1 continuous to each other.
    • The initial element selected for the chain selection must not be a sub-element.
    • Forks stop the chain selection.
    • Intersections are not detected.