Measuring a Point with Respect to a Reference

You can measure the coordinates of a point with respect to a specified reference.

  1. From the Assistant section of the action bar, click Measure Point with Reference .
    The Measure Point with Reference panel appears.
  2. In the Strategy column, select a measurement strategy from the list.

    The following strategies are available:

    Space coordinates Measure the coordinates of a point with respect to a reference planes system.
    Vertical distance to terrainMeasure the vertical distance of a point from the selected terrain.
    Station coordinatesMeasure coordinates of a stationing point on the alignment curve.
  3. In the Object column, select a reference object for the selected strategy.
    Space coordinates Select the project data of a reference plane system.
    Vertical distance to terrainSelect a terrain object.
    Station coordinatesSelect an alignment curve.
  4. Optional: Click Add Row , and select another strategy and the corresponding reference.
    You can add multiple rows and thus measure a point with respect to multiple references.
  5. Click Measure Point and select any point in the 3D area.

    A tooltip displays the coordinates of the selected point with respect to the specified references. You can keep on selecting points to measure their coordinates.

    If the part geolocation has been defined, the Geolocation Coordinates are displayed in the DialogBox, in addition to the Absolute Coordinates of the point.

    • If no strategy and corresponding reference are specified, the tooltip displays the absolute coordinates of the point.
    • The geolocation coordinates do not take into account the exponential notation preferences available at Me > Preferences > Main Preferences > Modeling > Units, and are always displayed in decimal form.