At ImportYou can modify the EIN associated to the current PLM Object imported in 3DEXPERIENCE. Note:
You cannot add a default attributes to all PLM entities into 3DEXPERIENCE.
Create a new rule (.CATRule) for STEP import, where the primary identifier (information coming from Parameters in the Business Logic) can be set to oEnterpriseItemNumber (attribute associated to the Parameters, not the output Proxy: ThisObject. The rule is applied to the imported data, which now contains a field V_partNumber with the value built and set in the Business Logic. Example of rule: Let IEM(string) if (Parameters->HasAttribute(“iFileId”) == true) { if (Parameters->HasAttribute(“oEnterpriseItemNumber”) == true) { IEM = Parameters->GetAttributeString(“iFileId”) Parameters->SetAttributeString(“oEntepriseItemNumber”, IEM) } } At ExportYou can retrieve the Enterprise Item Number associated to the current PLM Object exported from the 3DEXPERIENCE. Note:
You cannot create random Enterprise Item Number on the fly.
Create a new rule (.CATRule) for STEP export where the EIN can be retrieved via the ThisObject (current object being processed) attribute V_PartNumber. V_PartNumber can be set to the Context Object Parameter called oReferenceId (or to another parameter depending on the final intent). The rule is applied to the exported data. STEP Product name/Filename etc. (depending on the filled Context Parameters) now match EIN. Example of rule: Let EnterpriseItemNumber(string) if (ThisObject->HasAttrbute(“V_PartNumber”) == true) { EnterpriseItemNumber = ThisObject->GetAttributeString(“V_PartNumber”) if (Parameters->HasAttribute(“oReferenceId”) == true) { Parameters->SetAttribute(“oReferenceId”, EnterpriseItemNumber) } } |