About Geometry - General Information

Below is given some general information about geometry.

This page discusses:

Exact Geometry

Exact geometry is exported as follows.

  • 3D geometry is exported. 3D geometry can be created with apps such as Mechanical Systems, Fluidic Systems, Electrical & Electronic Systems.
  • However, spot fasteners and bead fasteners (Fastening app) are not supported by STEP and cannot be exported.

Tessellated Geometry

Tessellated geometry is exported as follows.

  • Solid geometry is exported to a STEP file as TESSELLATED_SOLID, and TESSELLATED_EDGE for the edges.
  • Surfacic geometry is exported as TESSELLATED_SHELL, and TESSELLATED_EDGE for the edges.
  • Wireframe geometry is exported as TESSELLATED_WIRE or TESSELLATED_VERTEX.
  • Structured tessellations are supported. For example, a structured cgr representing a keyboard is exported to a STEP file as a structured STEP tessellation (the geometry of all the keys of a given type is represented as a single solid).

Axis Systems

Axis systems are imported and exported as follows.

At import:

  • The axis systems are imported as standard axis systems with coordinates as parameters.
  • The STEP name of the axis system is used for defining the name of the axis system in the tree.
  • The visibility of the axis system is taken into account like for the other geometrical elements (according to the Show option).

At export:

  • The name of the axis system in the tree is exported as the name of the axis system in STEP (i.e. AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D.NAME).
  • The visibility of the axis system is taken into account like for the other geometrical elements (according to the Show option).

Infinite Planes

Infinite planes are processed as follows.

  • The STEP name of the plane is used for defining the name of the plane in the tree.
  • The visibility of the plane is taken into account like for the other geometrical elements (according to the Show option).
Note: When importing a STEP file, three default planes are created automatically in the NoShow in the 3DPart.

Mapping at Import

STEP entities are imported as follows.


  • I=Implemented
  • NI=Not yet implemented
  • N/A=Not applicable according to the standard
3D Shape Representation geometrically bounded wireframe geometrically bounded surface edge-based wireframe shell-based wireframe manifold surface faceted brep advanced brep
High Level Entities geometric_curve_set geometric_set edge_based_ wireframe_model shell_based_ wireframe_model shell_based_ surface_model faceted_brep brep_with_voids manifold_solid_brep brep_with_voids
Pointcartesian_pointII III II
point_on_curveNININ/AN/A NIN/A N/A
point_on_surfaceN/A N/AN/A N/A NIN/A NI
point_replicaNINININI N/A N/A NI
degenerate_pcurveN/A N/AN/A N/A NIN/A NI
CurvelineI I I I I N/A I
circleI I I I I N/A I
ellipseI I I I I N/A I
hyperbolaI I I I I N/A I
parabolaI I I I I N/A I
polylineI I I I I N/A I
b_spline_curve (+rational) b_spline_curve_with_knotsI I I I I N/A I
uniform curve (+rational)NINININININ/A NI
quasi_uniform_curve (+rational)I I I I I N/A I
bezier curveI I I I I N/A I
trimmed_curveIIN/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
composite_curveIIN/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
composite_curve_on_surfaceN/ANIN/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
boundary_curve outer_boundary_curveN/ANIN/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
surface_curveIN/AN/A N/A N/A
offset_curve_3DNIN/ANINININ/A NI
curve_replicaNIN/ANINININ/A NI
SurfaceplaneN/A IN/A N/A I II
cylindrical_surfaceN/A IN/A N/A I N/AI
conical_surfaceN/A IN/A N/A I N/AI
spherical_surfaceN/A IN/A N/A I N/AI
toroidal_surfaceN/A IN/A N/A I N/AI
degenerate_toroidal_surfaceN/A IN/A N/A I N/AI
surface_of_linear_extrusionN/A IN/A N/A I N/AI
surface_of_revolutionN/A IN/A N/A I N/AI
b_spline_surface b_spline_surface_with_knots N/A IN/A N/A I N/AI
uniform_surfaceN/A NIN/A N/A NI N/ANI
quasi_uniform_surfaceN/A IN/A N/A I N/AI
bezier_surfaceN/A IN/A N/A I N/AI
rectangular_trimmed_surfaceN/A IN/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
curve_bounded_surfaceN/A IN/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
rectangular_composite_surfaceN/A NIN/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
offset_surfaceN/A IN/A N/A I N/A N/A
surface_replicaN/A NIN/A N/A NIN/A N/A
Topologyvertex_pointN/A N/A III N/A I
edge_curveN/A N/A III N/A I
oriented_curveN/A N/A N/A II N/A I
vertex_loopN/A N/A N/A NININ/A NI
poly_loopN/A N/A N/A NIN/A IN/A
edge_loopN/A N/A N/A II N/A I
face_bound face_outer_boundN/A N/A N/A N/A I II
face_surfaceN/A N/A N/A N/A IIN/A
advanced_faceN/A N/A N/A N/A I II
oriented_faceN/A N/A N/A N/A NIN/A N/A
vertex_shellN/A N/A N/A NIN/A N/A N/A
wire_shellN/A N/A N/A NIN/A N/A N/A
connected_edge_setN/A N/A IN/A N/A N/A N/A
open_shellN/A N/A N/A N/A I N/A N/A
oriented_open_shellN/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
closed_shellN/A N/A N/A N/A I II
oriented_closed_shellN/A N/A N/A N/A N/A II
manifold_solid_brepN/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/AI
brep_with_voidsN/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/AI
faceted_brepN/A N/A N/A N/A N/A IN/A

Mapping at Export

STEP entities are exported as follows.

The geometry is exported:

  • Bodies (volumes, shells and faces) of 3D Shape Representations are exported to in AP203/AP214/AP242 ed1 files in compliance with Part 42.
  • The export of Shells occurs with no limitation and all the structure information can be recovered.
  • A point belonging to a sketch is exported only if the sketch contains only points.
  • If a feature contains several wires (result of a section), the wires will be exported as Composite Curves and will all have the same name (that of the feature).
  • Thicknesses are supported.
  • Other entities are exported as follows.

  • I=Implemented
  • NI=Not yet implemented
  • N/G=Not generated by 3DEXPERIENCE
  • N/A=Not applicable according to the standard
Wire (GSM, Free Style) Not generated by Dassault Systèmes OpenShell (GSM, Shape Design, Free Style) Not generated by Dassault SystèmesGeometrical Set
3D Shape Representation geometrically bounded wireframe geometrically bounded surface edge-based wireframe shell-based wireframe manifold surface faceted brep advanced brep
High Level Entities geometric_curve_set geometric_set edge_based_ wireframe_model shell_based_ wireframe_model shell_based_ surface_model faceted_brep brep_with_voids manifold_solid_brep brep_with_voids
Pointcartesian_pointN/GI N/GN/GI N/GI
point_on_curveN/GN/GN/GN/A N/GN/A N/A
point_on_surfaceN/A N/GN/A N/A N/GN/A N/A
point_replicaN/GN/GN/GN/A N/A N/A N/A
degenerate_pcurveN/A N/GN/A N/A N/GN/A N/A
CurvelineN/GI N/Gthru edge_curveI N/A I
circleN/GI N/Gthru edge_curveI N/A I
ellipseN/GI N/Gthru edge_curveI N/A I
hyperbolaN/GN/GN/Gthru edge_curveI N/A N/G
parabolaN/GN/GN/Gthru edge_curveI N/A N/G
polylineN/GN/GN/GN/GN/GN/A N/G
b_spline_curve (+rational) b_spline_curve_with_knotsN/GI N/Gthru edge_curveI N/A I
uniform curve (+rational)N/GN/GN/GN/GN/GN/A N/G
quasi_uniform_curve (+rational)N/GN/GN/GN/GN/GN/A N/G
bezier curveN/GN/GN/GN/GN/GN/A N/G
trimmed_curveN/GI N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
composite_curveN/GI N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
composite_curve_on_surfaceN/GN/GN/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
boundary_curve outer_boundary_curveN/GN/GN/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
pcurveN/GN/GN/A N/A NIN/A NI
surface_curveN/GN/GN/A N/A NIN/A N/A
offset_curve_3DN/GN/GN/GN/GN/GN/A N/A
curve_replicaN/GN/GN/GN/GN/GN/A N/A
SurfaceplaneN/A N/GN/A N/A I N/GI
cylindrical_surfaceN/A N/GN/A N/A I N/GI
conical_surfaceN/A N/GN/A N/A I N/A I
spherical_surfaceN/A N/GN/A N/A I N/A I
toroidal_surfaceN/A N/GN/A N/A I N/A I
degenerate_toroidal_surfaceN/A N/GN/A N/A N/GN/A N/G
surface_of_linear_extrusionN/A N/GN/A N/A I N/A I
surface_of_revolutionN/A N/GN/A N/A I N/A I
b_spline_surface b_spline_surface_with_knots N/A N/GN/A N/A I N/A I
uniform_surfaceN/A N/GN/A N/A N/GN/A N/G
quasi_uniform_surfaceN/A N/GN/A N/A N/GN/A N/G
bezier_surfaceN/A N/GN/A N/A N/GN/A N/G
rectangular_trimmed_surfaceN/A N/GN/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
curve_bounded_surfaceN/A N/GN/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
rectangular_composite_surfaceN/A N/GN/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
offset_surfaceN/A N/GN/A N/A I N/A N/A
surface_replicaN/A N/GN/A N/A N/GN/A N/A
Topologyvertex_pointN/A N/A N/Gthru edge_curveI N/A I
edge_curveN/A N/A N/Gthru oriented_edgeI N/A I
oriented_curveN/A N/A N/A thru edge_loopI N/A I
vertex_loopN/A N/A N/A N/GN/GN/A N/G
poly_loopN/A N/A N/A N/GN/A N/GN/A
edge_loopN/A N/A N/A thru wire_shellI N/A I
face_bound face_outer_boundN/A N/A N/A N/A I N/GI
face_surfaceN/A N/A N/A N/A N/GN/GN/A
advanced_faceN/A N/A N/A N/A I N/GI
oriented_faceN/A N/A N/A N/A N/GN/A N/A
vertex_shellN/A N/A N/A N/GN/A N/A N/A
wire_shellN/A N/A N/A N/GN/A N/A N/A
connected_edge_setN/A N/A N/GN/A N/A N/A N/A
open_shellN/A N/A N/A N/A I N/A N/A
oriented_open_shellN/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
closed_shellN/A N/A N/A N/A I N/GI
oriented_closed_shellN/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/GI