Below are some rules applied at export.
3DEXPERIENCE handles 7 types of line whereas STEP proposes 5 types only. The
mapping is the following.

| continuous |
dotted |
dashed |
chain |
chain double dash |
dotted |
chain |
Point styles are mapped as follows.

| cross, triangle |
plus |
circle |
square |
asterisk |
dot |
- Colors are exported according to Requirements.
- When the color of a given face is different from the color of its solid, an entity OVER_RIDING_STYLE_ITEM is created in the STEP file, and the face keeps the overriding color.
- STEP limitation with assemblies: Since attributes can not be set on instances of components, the color of instances are not taken into account.
Transparency exchange is supported according to Requirements.
For exact geometry:
- The transparency of exact geometry (solids, shells and faces) is kept at export.
- The transparency of a face of a solid can be overloaded and is kept in the STEP file.
- The transparency set on a representation is ignored.
- The transparency set on a body is ignored, but applied to the geometry it contains.
- If the transparency of an instance in an assembly is overloaded, the transparency is ignored at export.